Friday, 22 February 2013



What has you guys been up to? Fun or the other way round ? Okay, whatever it is, have fun doing whatever you are doing right now. Say alhamdulillah everyday  :D

So, okay, last Friday, on the 15th of February, i just received my result through email. You dont know how was it feel! Nervous ! A lot! soo, " Butterflies in the stomach"!

So, i slowly opened the email, andddddddd saw my result.
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, praise to Allah! :D I got 3.53 for my pointer.I got into the Dean's List. Alhamdulillah. I was so speechless at that time. Cause , i think you know, well, i complained a lot about this course, not just a lot but TOO MUCH.

I did really think that i couldnt go further with this course. Like seriously. And i didnt expect that i could get this much for my result this first sem. Even its just kind of on the border line but still! Haha

This can really make a good starter for my next semester. InshaaAllah, i ll make my parents proud of me. Always.

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