Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Assalamualaikum and Hi

Parallel to the topic, Assalamualaikum and hi! Watcha guys doing yo! Hey raya is just around the corner. What has been done for raya preparation? Hmmphh like me, nothing much. Not like when i was in promary school. Everything new ! New shoes new clothes and new handbags to put the duit raya. lai lai lai. Well not that BIG handbag but just a small one that suits for kids like me. Wee.

'Raya raya jugak, ingat awak nak periksa' . Okay that was last year's 'dialog by my mum  and dad. Hahaha but that was only last year. This year im free wo! Im free like a free bird. Okay sorry ive just started talking craps. Oh wait! Ill be starting my studies already! This 1st Sept! Woohoo. All sorts of feeling in my mind right now. Everything! Hahaha

How is it the feeling being a college student huh? Is it going to be fun or vice versa. Okay im totally scared. STOP!

Last but not least, ive just got a Samsung Galaxy Note. Weee. Hehehe not to showing off but im a happy kid now. hahahaha

Andddddddd, the bracelets business runs very well. It was beyond my expectation. Like seriously. Thank you so much for purchasing FOXY CIRCLET darlings.!

Thats all for now.



m said...

Oh My God, why is everybody around me has changed their phone? :( And best gilaaaaaaaaaaaa dapat Galaxy Note! :'D Nak jugak ohhh.

Oh and btw, I told my dad about the business bracelet idea that I wanna do at CFS IIUM, he said college students won't buy them -.-' because of their 'cara pemikiran' tu dah lain. Taaaaaaaak kan?

Oh and congratulations on your success btw! :) Where do you actually put up the bracelets? I mean, any blogshop? Or maybe it's the one on twitter? Or is it instagram?

Nadhirah Hakim said...

Hello mijaaaa. Hihi. Alaah nothing much lah. Iphone lagi best. Ohh about the bracelets, its on instagram. Just search for @foxy_circlet. Thank you Miza. Well this is just a small scale business. Hihi. Just try to sell it because i think there must be people who loves wearing those. Kannn. I think so. Why not juat give it a try. Andddd i was thinking that way too. Nak jual masa dekat U. But takut tkda. Anyways GOODLUCK! :D

Nadhirah Hakim said...


m said...

Hihi okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Lama tak buka instagram -.- Tak ada smartphone sendiri kaaann hahaha. Ala Galaxy Note pun best jugaaaaaaaaak. Hahahaa

Nadhirah Hakim said...

Hahaha okaylah sebab ada s pen dia kan. Hahaha alaaaa one day youll get a smartphone jugak. Tengoklah nanti. Teehee!