Tuesday, 14 February 2012

The Victory Will Forvever Be In My Heart.

Yeah, well i went through youtube and saw some choir videos from my school, SMKS9, Shah Alam. Im so proud to be one of the choir group member. As it is also one of my passion so im so happy and so proud of it. We're too new in choir and never involved ourselves in any competition.Our first competition was at SMK Seafield in the year of 2011. We were presenting our school for peringkat daerah.

We did our best that day. We were too new, as i said before. Just imagine SMK Seafield has been a champion in a row. They would conquer the first place every year.Not just being a host for the competition but they're also great singers.

Then we waited for the result.

As  new people, we didn't put high hope because we still have to learn more things about singing. Right ?
After they had annouced the recepient of the conzolation prizes, the third place and second place. Our hope just gone.We were frustrated to the max because we knew that we wouldn't get the first place. So, we said among ourselves " Jom aaa, balik aaa, jomlah." We started to get up from our sit. But suddenly, without us realizing, they announced  "And the first place goes to SMKS9, Shah Alam! " And we shouted out loud and cried. Yeah well tears of joy haha. We couldn't believed what we just heard.

WOW! That was so amazinggggg! We created a new history for our school.
Of course lah, sebab first time participate then terus menang ohh! HAHA

We made our school proud. Include all the teachers and friend. Maybe, at first, they thought that choir is nothing and like duhh. You understand what i mean. Kan ? But yeah we proved it to you guys! Oh yeahhh!

And the most memorable thing is the relationship among the choir members. We were so close! When we went to the practice together, all the laughs and tears.
Yeah the victory was a very very very precious that i could never forget.
Sometimes,  the people around us is more important in a journey to succeed!

Until here only, bye:)


m said...

Omgg, coooooooooooool gilaaaaaaaaaaaa koraaaaaaaaang! A late CONGRATULATIONS from me :)

m said...

Okay , yg atas ni, masa belum tengok. Baru habis baca. Lepas dah tengok, kita macam WOW HEBAT GILA! BEST GILA CHOIR KORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG :) MEMANG PATUT MENANG DOH :))) Korang hebat sangat sampai meremang tengok. Serious. Tak tipu. Aura hebat tu kuat sangat sampai keluar computer hahaha. Kita sangat TERUJA! Tak tau macam mana nak cakap ohhhh.

Nadhirah Hakim said...

Hehehe thanks miza. Thank you so muchh <3