Friday, 20 July 2012

Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum. Kalau tak jawab dosa. Kalau jawab? "Sayang! " Nak jadi ala ala Maria Elena kejap. Hewhew. So, finally, Ramadhan is here! Alhamdulillah. Berjumpa lagi kita dengan Ramadhan tahun ini.

Haa, niat puasa! Manalah tahu tiba tiba ada yang lupa niat puasa ke, nyanyi je lagu nasyid raihan. Hehe. Haa, ni dia. Jangan lupa niat ye ! :D

So, mestilah semua orang pasang niat untuk berhijrah menjadi seorang insan yang lebih baik. Saya juga! Memang selalu sangat kita janji dekat diri kita nak berubah, tapi ada je benda yang kononnya menjadi penghalang untuk kita berubah. Hmm, janji , janji dan janji. Yang hanya akan tinggal stakat janji je apabila kita tiba pada Ramadhan yang seterusnya. Macam mana tu? Tapi tahun ni, azam itu harus ditunaikan, InsyaaAllah.


Saya bukanlah pakar agama, mahupun penceramah seperti Ustaz dan Ustazah di luar sana. Tapi, saya hanya ingin berkongsi pendapat saya sahaja. Cewahh. Haha

Pada Ramadhan tahun, saya berjanji dan akan berusaha untuk menjadi seorang Muslim yang lebih baik. InsyaaAllah. Mendekatkan diri dengan Allah adalah jalan yang terbaik. Puasa dan solat jangan ditinggalkan. Kecuali, biasalah kaum Hawa, ehem ehem. Kannn :) Oh, amalan sunat juga, sedekah! Jangan lupa ye.

Semua ni untuk peringatan saya juga. Sama sama kita menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan dengan lebih bermakna.

Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan :)


Saturday, 14 July 2012

Friendship Bracelets

Assalamualaikum and hello to my lovely readers . Well yeah ive started making friendship 

bracelets! I might be selling them. MAYBE. Hehe. I was inspired by Jaja. Shes the one who 

made these bracelets at first. But then, followed by me :) I found that its fun making them! 

Like seriously. Dealing with the colours especially! And also their designs! So i got some 

pictures here.

Ive been thinking, if i sell those, how much would it be for the postage? Its too light. I mean if 

someone only bought one. Unless the people want to buy lots of them, right. So yeah, i sell 

depends on the patterns,and also how many colours has been used for making one bracelet. 

Its only around RM 3 to RM 7. So, if youre staying in Shah Alam , i can find ways how to send 

it to you. However, if youre staying out of Shah Alam,  HEHE i got no ideas how to send it to 

you.  Only for this moment. But later, InsyaaAllah, ill check it out dekat pejabat pos :)

So yeah, thats all. Bye loves :)


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Dear Crush , Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you ! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! :D
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu !

Dear Crush,
Today is 10th July 2012,
I wanna wish you Happy 18th Birthday,
May Allah bless you.

Have a blast!

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Assalamualaikum. My dearest! How are you guys. So yeah pretty ladies, i wanna share with you guys about LUVSTYLISTA! Have you guys ever heard this word? Yes or no? Nevermind lets discover about it today ! :D

Heres the FB link. Go go!

And heres the launching video of Luvstylista that was being held at Hajaba Boutique Alamanda Putrajaya. This video was made by Shamil Ashraf! Hes like so freaking good at making videos! So, enjoy!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Irma Hasmie & Redza Shah Adzmir Radzuan

I just watched the wedding video of Irma Hasmie and Redza Shah Adzmir Radzuan and totally like it like seriously! So yeah, i want to the two videos with you guys also. Here we go!

And another one!

 Thanks for watching! :D