Assalamualaikum :)
Hello people. Today, i got no Cambridge class, so lets enjoy! Ahaks. And and, i wanna tell you that, im going to college in Sept, how many more months from now to go huh ? May, June, July, August and Sept. Okay 4 months away. Haaaaa, lamanyaaa lagi. Im so bored staying at home! What to do ? What to do? Goa and find a job? Haiyaa. Lagi lah malas. Ish but i need moneyyy to buy clothes, shoes and handbags. HEHE.
Okay, you guys must be wondering why i take so long to enter the college. Its all because, i will be taking degree in Architecture terus. I dont have to do the Diploma or the Asasi first. Hehe ccoool huh? You must also say, 'yeke'? Well yeahh its true. Thats why its started in Sept. So, when I about 22. i already got the title 'Bachelor' Hehe. Dont be jealous.
Okayy i just drop by to say something, at least. For my beloved readers, of course. I cant really update this blog everyday, im sorry. Because something went wrong with my lappy. I have to use the computer. Nasib baik computer ni best. hehe
Okayy, thats all dearies.