Saturday, 1 December 2012
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Hard Life?
Assalamualaikum. It 12.43 am. And i feel like writing. So here we go.
The things that i wanted to share with you is about my life at Seri Iskandar, Perak. Its not easy as i though it would be. Its hard.
Just few days ago, right after i got back from home. I feel empty. Nothing else i could think other than home, family and everything that i have left in Shah Alam.
When it comes to re-do ing the assignments, i feel like quitting. The only thing that keep on playing on my mind was 'IM QUITTING'. Nothing else. Well thats not enough. It was so stressful. I felt suffocate.I hate doing all the assignments. I got no person to talk to. NO PERSON! Friends? What can they actually do? They can but only by advising that sometimes seems not sincere at all. Im sorry.
I dont want to tell my mum about all this because i dont want her to be worried about me. But i have no choice. So, i told her what my problems were. Only my mum could make me feel calm. Nobody else. I couldnt help myself staying there. Roommates? Coursemates? And all that matter! And the course itself.
And it needs a lot of hardworking! No sleep at night? That is for sure. No doubt.
Passionate is all what you have to be.
Be strong physically and MENTALLY!
Im not yet matured enough to be an architecture student, i think. But i will keep on trying. There is no choice. I have to get through all this with full of commitment and patience. InsyaaAllah.
I may not be the best student. But, i will always try to give my very best.
The things that i wanted to share with you is about my life at Seri Iskandar, Perak. Its not easy as i though it would be. Its hard.
Just few days ago, right after i got back from home. I feel empty. Nothing else i could think other than home, family and everything that i have left in Shah Alam.
When it comes to re-do ing the assignments, i feel like quitting. The only thing that keep on playing on my mind was 'IM QUITTING'. Nothing else. Well thats not enough. It was so stressful. I felt suffocate.I hate doing all the assignments. I got no person to talk to. NO PERSON! Friends? What can they actually do? They can but only by advising that sometimes seems not sincere at all. Im sorry.
I dont want to tell my mum about all this because i dont want her to be worried about me. But i have no choice. So, i told her what my problems were. Only my mum could make me feel calm. Nobody else. I couldnt help myself staying there. Roommates? Coursemates? And all that matter! And the course itself.
And it needs a lot of hardworking! No sleep at night? That is for sure. No doubt.
Passionate is all what you have to be.
Be strong physically and MENTALLY!
Im not yet matured enough to be an architecture student, i think. But i will keep on trying. There is no choice. I have to get through all this with full of commitment and patience. InsyaaAllah.
I may not be the best student. But, i will always try to give my very best.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
A song cover?
p/s: Stop the music player FIRST! Haha
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Eid Is Here Once Again!
Assalamualaikum. Well i think its not too late to wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin. Or maybe also... Happy Eid Mubarak!
Just arrived from Kelantan at 10.15 am today. On the Seventh day of Eid. Let's talk about what happened during my Raya at Kampung.
A day before Raya, i went back to Melaka, my father's hometown. It's located in Alor Gajah. . This is the only time for all the relatives and cousins to meet up! We had great time together eventhough it wasnt so many of us. Hahaha. Pardon me if i use wrong vocab or grammar. Sorry.
Then, on the 2nd day of Raya, we continue our 'journey' to my loveliest Tokma's House in Pasir Mas Kelantan. Well, i love Kelantan more than Melaka. Opss haha. It took us 12 hours being on the highway. Thats all because of the traffic jam. Anddd can you imagine from Melaka to Kelantan. It was really far okay. Haha nevermind, next year we will be celebrating the Eid in Kelantan starting from the first day if Eid. Weehoo!
Lemme share with you some pictures !
Just arrived from Kelantan at 10.15 am today. On the Seventh day of Eid. Let's talk about what happened during my Raya at Kampung.
A day before Raya, i went back to Melaka, my father's hometown. It's located in Alor Gajah. . This is the only time for all the relatives and cousins to meet up! We had great time together eventhough it wasnt so many of us. Hahaha. Pardon me if i use wrong vocab or grammar. Sorry.
Then, on the 2nd day of Raya, we continue our 'journey' to my loveliest Tokma's House in Pasir Mas Kelantan. Well, i love Kelantan more than Melaka. Opss haha. It took us 12 hours being on the highway. Thats all because of the traffic jam. Anddd can you imagine from Melaka to Kelantan. It was really far okay. Haha nevermind, next year we will be celebrating the Eid in Kelantan starting from the first day if Eid. Weehoo!
Lemme share with you some pictures !
First Day of Eid - Sembahyang Hari Raya!
So, basically, this is what Raya had done to us! Haha
This was when we were on our way to Kelantan.
And vaining in the car during our visit to one of our relatives house in Kelantan! :D
Thats All.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Assalamualaikum and Hi
Parallel to the topic, Assalamualaikum and hi! Watcha guys doing yo! Hey raya is just around the corner. What has been done for raya preparation? Hmmphh like me, nothing much. Not like when i was in promary school. Everything new ! New shoes new clothes and new handbags to put the duit raya. lai lai lai. Well not that BIG handbag but just a small one that suits for kids like me. Wee.
'Raya raya jugak, ingat awak nak periksa' . Okay that was last year's 'dialog by my mum and dad. Hahaha but that was only last year. This year im free wo! Im free like a free bird. Okay sorry ive just started talking craps. Oh wait! Ill be starting my studies already! This 1st Sept! Woohoo. All sorts of feeling in my mind right now. Everything! Hahaha
How is it the feeling being a college student huh? Is it going to be fun or vice versa. Okay im totally scared. STOP!
Last but not least, ive just got a Samsung Galaxy Note. Weee. Hehehe not to showing off but im a happy kid now. hahahaha
Andddddddd, the bracelets business runs very well. It was beyond my expectation. Like seriously. Thank you so much for purchasing FOXY CIRCLET darlings.!
Thats all for now.
'Raya raya jugak, ingat awak nak periksa' . Okay that was last year's 'dialog by my mum and dad. Hahaha but that was only last year. This year im free wo! Im free like a free bird. Okay sorry ive just started talking craps. Oh wait! Ill be starting my studies already! This 1st Sept! Woohoo. All sorts of feeling in my mind right now. Everything! Hahaha
How is it the feeling being a college student huh? Is it going to be fun or vice versa. Okay im totally scared. STOP!
Last but not least, ive just got a Samsung Galaxy Note. Weee. Hehehe not to showing off but im a happy kid now. hahahaha
Andddddddd, the bracelets business runs very well. It was beyond my expectation. Like seriously. Thank you so much for purchasing FOXY CIRCLET darlings.!
Thats all for now.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan
Assalamualaikum. Kalau tak jawab dosa. Kalau jawab? "Sayang! " Nak jadi ala ala Maria Elena kejap. Hewhew. So, finally, Ramadhan is here! Alhamdulillah. Berjumpa lagi kita dengan Ramadhan tahun ini.
Haa, niat puasa! Manalah tahu tiba tiba ada yang lupa niat puasa ke, nyanyi je lagu nasyid raihan. Hehe. Haa, ni dia. Jangan lupa niat ye ! :D
So, mestilah semua orang pasang niat untuk berhijrah menjadi seorang insan yang lebih baik. Saya juga! Memang selalu sangat kita janji dekat diri kita nak berubah, tapi ada je benda yang kononnya menjadi penghalang untuk kita berubah. Hmm, janji , janji dan janji. Yang hanya akan tinggal stakat janji je apabila kita tiba pada Ramadhan yang seterusnya. Macam mana tu? Tapi tahun ni, azam itu harus ditunaikan, InsyaaAllah.

Saya bukanlah pakar agama, mahupun penceramah seperti Ustaz dan Ustazah di luar sana. Tapi, saya hanya ingin berkongsi pendapat saya sahaja. Cewahh. Haha
Pada Ramadhan tahun, saya berjanji dan akan berusaha untuk menjadi seorang Muslim yang lebih baik. InsyaaAllah. Mendekatkan diri dengan Allah adalah jalan yang terbaik. Puasa dan solat jangan ditinggalkan. Kecuali, biasalah kaum Hawa, ehem ehem. Kannn :) Oh, amalan sunat juga, sedekah! Jangan lupa ye.
Semua ni untuk peringatan saya juga. Sama sama kita menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan dengan lebih bermakna.
Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan :)
Haa, niat puasa! Manalah tahu tiba tiba ada yang lupa niat puasa ke, nyanyi je lagu nasyid raihan. Hehe. Haa, ni dia. Jangan lupa niat ye ! :D
So, mestilah semua orang pasang niat untuk berhijrah menjadi seorang insan yang lebih baik. Saya juga! Memang selalu sangat kita janji dekat diri kita nak berubah, tapi ada je benda yang kononnya menjadi penghalang untuk kita berubah. Hmm, janji , janji dan janji. Yang hanya akan tinggal stakat janji je apabila kita tiba pada Ramadhan yang seterusnya. Macam mana tu? Tapi tahun ni, azam itu harus ditunaikan, InsyaaAllah.

Saya bukanlah pakar agama, mahupun penceramah seperti Ustaz dan Ustazah di luar sana. Tapi, saya hanya ingin berkongsi pendapat saya sahaja. Cewahh. Haha
Pada Ramadhan tahun, saya berjanji dan akan berusaha untuk menjadi seorang Muslim yang lebih baik. InsyaaAllah. Mendekatkan diri dengan Allah adalah jalan yang terbaik. Puasa dan solat jangan ditinggalkan. Kecuali, biasalah kaum Hawa, ehem ehem. Kannn :) Oh, amalan sunat juga, sedekah! Jangan lupa ye.
Semua ni untuk peringatan saya juga. Sama sama kita menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan dengan lebih bermakna.
Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan :)
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Friendship Bracelets
Assalamualaikum and hello to my lovely readers . Well yeah ive started making friendship
bracelets! I might be selling them. MAYBE. Hehe. I was inspired by Jaja. Shes the one who
made these bracelets at first. But then, followed by me :) I found that its fun making them!
Like seriously. Dealing with the colours especially! And also their designs! So i got some
pictures here.
Ive been thinking, if i sell those, how much would it be for the postage? Its too light. I mean if
someone only bought one. Unless the people want to buy lots of them, right. So yeah, i sell
depends on the patterns,and also how many colours has been used for making one bracelet.
Its only around RM 3 to RM 7. So, if youre staying in Shah Alam , i can find ways how to send
it to you. However, if youre staying out of Shah Alam, HEHE i got no ideas how to send it to
you. Only for this moment. But later, InsyaaAllah, ill check it out dekat pejabat pos :)
So yeah, thats all. Bye loves :)
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Dear Crush , Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you ! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! :D
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu !
Dear Crush,
Today is 10th July 2012,
I wanna wish you Happy 18th Birthday,
May Allah bless you.

Have a blast!
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Assalamualaikum. My dearest! How are you guys. So yeah pretty ladies, i wanna share with you guys about LUVSTYLISTA! Have you guys ever heard this word? Yes or no? Nevermind lets discover about it today ! :D
Heres the FB link. Go go!
And heres the launching video of Luvstylista that was being held at Hajaba Boutique Alamanda Putrajaya. This video was made by Shamil Ashraf! Hes like so freaking good at making videos! So, enjoy!
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Irma Hasmie & Redza Shah Adzmir Radzuan
I just watched the wedding video of Irma Hasmie and Redza Shah Adzmir Radzuan and totally like it like seriously! So yeah, i want to the two videos with you guys also. Here we go!
And another one!
Thanks for watching! :D
I just watched the wedding video of Irma Hasmie and Redza Shah Adzmir Radzuan and totally like it like seriously! So yeah, i want to the two videos with you guys also. Here we go!
And another one!
Monday, 25 June 2012
When Boredom Strikes!
Hi loves.Well i felt bored and it has forced me to make a VIDEO! So, here you go! Enjoy watching! Merapu sikit dalam video ni but yeah!
Thanks for watching. Bye! :D
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Dear Bestfriend,
Please, please and please dont misunderstood for what had happened. I am still ME! Never changed. Just like you.
If i ever replied you, just a short message, doesnt mean that i want to end the conversation quickly.
But if you felt so, im sorry. My bad.
Youll never be replaced. NEVER, NEVER and NEVER!
I love you till Jannah, insyaaAllah :)
Cheer up cheer up be happy!
My phone is always in a silent. I dont use it anymore Haha.
Its run out of battery for like FOREVER. Always. And im too lazy to re-charge it. HEHE.
Just call me up. And ill answer you. STOP ! the misunderstood thingy.
Monday, 28 May 2012
Hi Dearies !
Since everybody is going to college so soon, im here wishing you guys, have fun with your new life, okay!

Assalamualaikum :)
Hello people. Today, i got no Cambridge class, so lets enjoy! Ahaks. And and, i wanna tell you that, im going to college in Sept, how many more months from now to go huh ? May, June, July, August and Sept. Okay 4 months away. Haaaaa, lamanyaaa lagi. Im so bored staying at home! What to do ? What to do? Goa and find a job? Haiyaa. Lagi lah malas. Ish but i need moneyyy to buy clothes, shoes and handbags. HEHE.
Okay, you guys must be wondering why i take so long to enter the college. Its all because, i will be taking degree in Architecture terus. I dont have to do the Diploma or the Asasi first. Hehe ccoool huh? You must also say, 'yeke'? Well yeahh its true. Thats why its started in Sept. So, when I about 22. i already got the title 'Bachelor' Hehe. Dont be jealous.
Okayy i just drop by to say something, at least. For my beloved readers, of course. I cant really update this blog everyday, im sorry. Because something went wrong with my lappy. I have to use the computer. Nasib baik computer ni best. hehe
Okayy, thats all dearies.

Assalamualaikum :)
Hello people. Today, i got no Cambridge class, so lets enjoy! Ahaks. And and, i wanna tell you that, im going to college in Sept, how many more months from now to go huh ? May, June, July, August and Sept. Okay 4 months away. Haaaaa, lamanyaaa lagi. Im so bored staying at home! What to do ? What to do? Goa and find a job? Haiyaa. Lagi lah malas. Ish but i need moneyyy to buy clothes, shoes and handbags. HEHE.
Okay, you guys must be wondering why i take so long to enter the college. Its all because, i will be taking degree in Architecture terus. I dont have to do the Diploma or the Asasi first. Hehe ccoool huh? You must also say, 'yeke'? Well yeahh its true. Thats why its started in Sept. So, when I about 22. i already got the title 'Bachelor' Hehe. Dont be jealous.
Okayy i just drop by to say something, at least. For my beloved readers, of course. I cant really update this blog everyday, im sorry. Because something went wrong with my lappy. I have to use the computer. Nasib baik computer ni best. hehe
Okayy, thats all dearies.
Friday, 25 May 2012
Hey people, as you know, i am one the Malaysian DIRECTIONER!.And im proud with that. Hahaha okay let me share you guys some picture of them! :D i got thousands of reasons to tell ya, why do i like them so much. Cant tell. Haha. forever love HARRY STYLES, ZAYN MALIK, LIAM PAYNE, NIALL HORAN and LOUIS TOMLINSON! Muahhhh ! COUNTLESS kisses fr you, ONE DIRECTION! :DDD


Hey people, as you know, i am one the Malaysian DIRECTIONER!.And im proud with that. Hahaha okay let me share you guys some picture of them! :D i got thousands of reasons to tell ya, why do i like them so much. Cant tell. Haha. forever love HARRY STYLES, ZAYN MALIK, LIAM PAYNE, NIALL HORAN and LOUIS TOMLINSON! Muahhhh ! COUNTLESS kisses fr you, ONE DIRECTION! :DDD
Sunday, 13 May 2012
13th May 2012
Assalamualaikum anda anda semua. Sihatkah? Okay. Lets get started!
Macam orang orang lain jugak, saya dan adik adik akan berbincang bagaimana hendak menyambut MOTHERS DAY, pada setiap tahun. Macam macam yang kami dah bagi dekat mama. Tapi dua tiga hari lepas, saya baru je terbaca twitter Ustaz Azhar Idrus yang merupakan ustaz favourite saya. Hihi. Setiap apa ilmu yang disampaikan sangat sangat lah berguna! Okay, sambung balik, Ustaz mengatakan bahawa menyambut hari ibu adalah haram, syirik. Agama Islam tidak pernah membenarkan umatnya menyambut Hari Ibu tetapi mengapa kita sangat suka melanggar hukum yang telah wujud sejak dulu lagi? Bukan anda sahaja, tapi saya sendiri pun. Yelah, nak buat macam mana kan, manusia biasa memang tak sempurna.Bagi yang baru tahu, tkpelah. Tapi kalau dah tahu buat buat tak tahu, susah lah kan. MOTHER's DAY sebenarnya disambut oleh orang Kristian bagi menyambut Mother Mary yang merupakan isteri Jesus. Kannnnnnnn Islam dah bgtahu tk boleh sambut! Mestilah ada sebabnya. Bukan Islam melarang kita untuk tidak menyayangi ibu kita tapi, secara logiknya pun, kalau kita fikir, kenapa mesti ada hari khas untuk menyambut ibu kita. Sayangilah inu anda setiap hari sebagaimana dia telah menyayangi kita dan menjaga kita sejak dari kecil lagi kan. Hmmm cehh dah macam penceramah dah. Hehehehe.
Ramai sangat, even kawan saya sendiri pun yang menyambuthari ibu walaupun dan tahu hukumnya. Ada jugakawan saya yang bertanya balik kepada saya 'Habis tu, Nadhira tak celebrate Mothers Day untuk mak Nadhira ke? Sedih lah nanti your mum' Okay, obviously, memang dah tk boleh kan, macam mana nak sambut. Siapa kita untuk melawan hukum Allah. Saya dah pun cakap dengan mama, dan mama memahaminya. Rupanya mama tahu lebih awal dari saya. Nasib baiklah. Takut nanti mama kecik hati pulak kan. Apa apa pun, yang penting pun, sayangi ibu, mama, umi dan bonda anda setiap hari dan selama lamanya sebagaimana mereka telah melakukan perkara yang sama terhadap kita.
Sememangnya saya juga bukanlah manusia yang sempurna. Segala yang saya tulis ni, adalah untuk peringatan bersama. Untuk diri saya juga. So, jomlah sama sama kita renungkan dan selamat beramal. Cehh hehe.
Okay bye :))) Assalamualaikum.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Hello fellow readers! :D So, today, i got time to write for you guys. And im thinking of combining many things in just one topic. Okay whatever. Lets get started!!
I did tell you guys right, about me, attending the interview at UTP ( Universiti Teknologi Petronas ) on 24th April. So, on last Friday, 4th May , i checked the application status for MAY intake on the UTP website. Alhamdulillah, my application was successful! I was accepted to study at UTP! Hey you, what a most wonderful thing happened to me again. Bukan calang calang Universiti okayy. Cara diorang conduct Interview pun lain gila. Macam orang dah kerja! Haha alright alright. Here's the offer letter :)
Im so gladdddd, thank you YA ALLAH :D. Maybe i did not present well in my SPM, but Allah Maha Kaya, Lagi Maha Mengetahui segala galanya. Kita tak kan tahu apa akan jadi pada kita dan masa depan kita. Sentiasa berterima kasih kepadanya walau apa pun yang Dia berikan. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah ! :D
Next one is about my RAINBOW CAKE! :D
Well, since i was small, my mum always making cakes, cookies ad everything lah by her own. Her skill was inherited from my Tokma :) . And now, its my turn to cook and baking cakes on my own. Semua sendiri, tak main lah beli beli, okay haha. :D So, the latest one, i made one big rainbow cake! That was my frist time. I didnt expect it would turned out like so WOW! Haha buka puji diri sendiri okay. Sajaaa haha.
Alright, so heres the pictures:)
So this is th one. HIHI. Now, my mother and I have started on a small scale cupcakes business. And im thinking of selling this rainbow cakes too. But maybe, ill use fondant instead of buttercream :) Any order ? Just go to my FB. Im serious not joking. Alright.
I think thats all for now fellas. Thanks for reading :DDD
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Well hello!
Im sorry to leave this blog so long. I has been busy weeks for me. Even now. But i took this opportunity bcause i felt so cruel towards readers haha. Macam lah ada readers sangat! Haha.
What has caused me so busy, is that yeah, Last last last Sunday, i went to UiTM for Architecture Interview. The interview was conducted in English for sure. It went well. They just asked me about my family background and whats my favourite pastime and so blah blah. It was nothing to do with Architecture haha. I really hope that i would get this course!
And second is, Cambridge, I went for the course because i really want to improve my english skills. Well, im not good in English. And im writing here in my blog in english is because to improve my english. Eventhough, its lack of vocab and grammar. AT LEAST, im trying!
On last Tuesday ( 24/4/2012) i went for another interview at UTP ! :) The university is SOOOOOOO great! The environment, wahhh makes me wanna study everyday. You will not ever felt that youre in Perak! You feel just like in the city. HAHA. Im talking about the real things okay. REALITY! not imagination. The interview went very well! :) I made few friends and they are all really nice :) i like them.
Ohh so, thats all i think. Just want to update this blog because itt has been so long since the last time i wrote here! :)
So, cheers!
Im sorry to leave this blog so long. I has been busy weeks for me. Even now. But i took this opportunity bcause i felt so cruel towards readers haha. Macam lah ada readers sangat! Haha.
What has caused me so busy, is that yeah, Last last last Sunday, i went to UiTM for Architecture Interview. The interview was conducted in English for sure. It went well. They just asked me about my family background and whats my favourite pastime and so blah blah. It was nothing to do with Architecture haha. I really hope that i would get this course!
And second is, Cambridge, I went for the course because i really want to improve my english skills. Well, im not good in English. And im writing here in my blog in english is because to improve my english. Eventhough, its lack of vocab and grammar. AT LEAST, im trying!
On last Tuesday ( 24/4/2012) i went for another interview at UTP ! :) The university is SOOOOOOO great! The environment, wahhh makes me wanna study everyday. You will not ever felt that youre in Perak! You feel just like in the city. HAHA. Im talking about the real things okay. REALITY! not imagination. The interview went very well! :) I made few friends and they are all really nice :) i like them.
Ohh so, thats all i think. Just want to update this blog because itt has been so long since the last time i wrote here! :)
So, cheers!
Thursday, 29 March 2012
RealitI Cantik Yang Tak Berapa Cantik - Wardina
Article ini telah dipetik dari laman web www. dan ianya sangat berguna untuk semua di luar sana yang digelar perempuan dan wanita. Apabila membaca article ini membuatkan saya sedar yang kita seharusnya bersyukur dengan kurniaan Allah. Walau apa saja yang telah Dia berikan kepada kita, bersyukur saja dan menerimanya dengan seikhlasnya. Tidakkah anda merasakan jika anda mengeluh atau mengkritik seperti eh, hidung orang tu mancung, aku pun nak mancung macam dia. Eh kulit aku ni buruk lah, inilah dan sebagainya. Tidakkah anda sedar bahawa sebenarnya tindakan anda itu sebenarnya adalah mengrikitik ciptaan Allah sedangkan Dia merupakan pencipta yang paling agung. Saya mengaku, saya sendiri pun telah melakukan perkara yang sama. Tetapi apabila membaca article ini, menyebabkan saya mengubah persepsi saya terhadap kecantikan secara keseluruhannya. Oleh itu, saa ingin berkongsi dengan anda semua isi kandungan article ini yang sangat berguna. JOM!
Salam pembaca semua. Adik-adik, kakak-kakak, abang-abang yang dikasihi semuanya. Yang dikasihi dan disayangi kerana Allah. Teringat kata-kata Syaikh Ourazi, jika kita mahukan kebaikan dan Jannah, maka sayangilah rakan kita kerana Allah. Sayangilah saudara seMuslim kita kerana Allah dan tidak cukup dengan itu, kita perlu 'beritahu' atau maklumkan kepada mereka bahawa kita menyayangi mereka kerana Allah.
Sangat menyentuh hati apabila tiba-tiba menerima kiriman SMS yang berbunyi "Dina atau Dear sister, I LOVE YOU LILLAH" MasyaAllah. I Love you sudah cukup power, sudah cukup membuatkan kita tersenyum dan rasa dihargai, tetapi I LOVE YOU LILLAH. "Saya sayang kamu kerana Allah", memberi satu dimensi yang sungguh berbeza sekali.
Ini bererti kita menyayangi rakan atau sahabat kita bukan kerana rupa, pangkat, harta atau kelebihan lain tetapi semata-mata kerana Allah. Tiada agenda tersembunyi yang lain. MasyaAllah hebatnya, ikhlasnya, indahnya!
Jadi untuk permulaan, sebelum kita membicarakan yang cantik-cantik, mari berhenti seketika dan kirimkan SMS atau berhenti dari membaca, hubungilah rakan kita dan ucapkanlah "Sister, I Love you Lillah, for the sake of Allah" Lihatlah kesannya. Moga persahabatan kalian kekal selamanya, bersama susah dan senang dan moga bertemu di Jannah! Amin! (Ada pengecualian ya! Sisters tolong ucapkan pada sisters sahaja, brothers pada brothers sahaja).
Baiklah, saya mahu fokuskan tulisan saya kali ini mengenai satu realiti kehidupan yang tidak berapa cantik! Setiap dari kita pernah atau masih menjadi mangsa. Saya lebih lagi, kerana menjadi mangsa dari remaja sehinggalah dewasa. Baru kini sedikit demi sedikit saya sedang menilai diri semula, berusaha menghakis apa yang ada di dalam minda saya yang sudah lama diracuni. Memohon ampun atas dosa saya membiarkan diri menjadi mangsa sekian lama. Saya akui saya telah melakukan dosa. Semoga Allah mengampuni saya! Jika melihat gambar saya yang lalu, ampunkanlah saya adik-adik semua, jangan ditiru! Itulah namanya mangsa keadaan, moga ada hikmah disebaliknya, moga ini dijadikan pengajaran buat saya dan anda semua.
Mari kita berbicara bagaimana minda kita sudah dipengaruhi dan diracuni secara TIDAK sedar atau pun separa sedar, untuk sentiasa tidak bersyukur dengan mata, badan, hidung, kulit atau pun rupa kita! Kita selalu merasa diri KURANG SEMPURNA! MasyaAllah jika kita benar-benar bahawa Allah itu Al Musawwir, Al Bari sebaik-baik pencipta - maka tidak mungkin kita mengeluh.
Mana tidaknya, tiap-tiap bulan, tiap-tiap hari kita disogok dengan gambar dan imej "kesempurnaan" yang dicedok dan berkiblatkan barat. Majalah VOGUE yang bermula dari tahun 1969 membawa fokus kepada tubuh badan wanita! Kita pun merasakan PERLU untuk ikut! Menurut (Kenrick & Guthrie) Wanita yang dikelilingi wanita-wanita cantik – di persekitaran mahupun majalah atau filem – akan merasa rendah diri dan merasa diri mereka kurang menarik.
Ya, ini termasuk lelaki kerana mereka merasakan itulah dia 'cantik', dan mengharapkan wanita mereka 'cantik' seperti yang ada dalam majalah dan TV. Tanpa sedar, kita terus membeli majalah begini, membiarkan diri merasa kurang cantik dan kurang sempurna! Saya sudah berhenti! Berhenti membeli majalah ini. Kerana saya yakin Allah menyempurnakan kejadian saya dengan sebaiknya! Beli majalah SOLUSI dan Gen-Q MasyaAllah membuatkan saya mahu lebih cantik dari dalam Alhamdulllah! Ya, apa yang kita baca dan apa yang kita lihat amatlah mempengaruhi kita.
Krim muka untuk memutihkan kulit, pusat pelangsingan badan yang meracuni minda (saya juga menjadi mangsa seketika dulu) dan alat solek yang beratus jenama dan fungsi sebenarnya merupakan satu empayar bisnes bernilai jutaan ringgit.
Empayar ini terus 'hidup' dengan membuatkan wanita merasa TIDAK cantik supaya "kami " (golongan hawa) membeli produk mereka. (Jangan dicerita bahan yang dimasukan kedalamnya, tidak pernah kita ambil peduli segala racun dan bahan tidak selamat lagi tidak halal) Dengan terus menyogok di dalam minda bahawa kita 'kurang sempurna' maka kita TERPAKSA membeli produk mereka. Strategi 'marketing' mereka menunjukan bagaimana mudahnya kita, orang Islam Melayu ditipu. Sangat mudah dipengaruhi.
Tidak berhenti bertanya kepada diri seketika. Perlukah? Selamatkah? Benarkah apa yang mereka dakwa ini? Kajian menunjukan bahawa ketika zaman kegawatan ekonomi, peningkatan jualan kosmetik semakin meningkat. Ya hakikatnya kita merasakan kita perlu segala 'tambahan kosmetik palsu' ini untuk merasa yakin! Sedih bukan?
Tahukah anda di Malaysia untuk jadi jutawan segera adalah dengan memulakan bisnes kosmetik. Cuma tukar jenama, ambil dari kilang yang sama, janji dengan bermacam janji dan lakukanlah sedikit promosi. Jutawan sekelip mata! Allah, mari kita duduk sebentar untuk berfikir adik-adik.
Bagaimana kita menilai cantik? Tak cantikkah seorang wanita yang tiada baju berjenama dan solekan diwajah namun kaya dengan ilmu, santun, adab dan akhlak?
Bagaimana kita menilai cantik? Tak cantikkah seorang wanita yang tiada baju berjenama dan solekan diwajah namun kaya dengan ilmu, santun, adab dan akhlak?
Akhir kata, cukuplah kita berkiblatkan barat untuk menilai 'cantik' cukuplah menggunakan J.Lo dan Angelina Jolie sebagai 'rujukan' kita. Cukuplah kita tiru mata, solekan, pakaian, rambut mereka. Yakinlah dengan mengatakan Allah menciptakan saya sebagai insan cukup sempurna. Rujuk Quran surah Tin "Sesungguhnya manusia diciptakan sebaik-baik kejadian". Tak usah rasa rendah diri kalau kita tidak seperti apa yang majalah atau barat 'kata' sebagai cantik. Yakinlah dalam diri yang lebih penting ialah apabila kita cantik dengan adab, akhlak, islam, iman dan ihsan. Sesungguhnya saya juga sedang membina keyakinan ini dalam diri saya dan anak-anak. Cantik BUKAN fizikal semata.
Hiduplah dengan nama Allah Al-Jamil. Namun cantik dalam erti yang sebenar. Cantik dalam sabar dan memberi maaf itulah akhlak yang cantik. Cantik kerana mengucapkan yang benar, kerana hati penuh keikhlasan mencari kebenaran, cantik kerana ketaatan kita kepada Allah.
Sebelum berakhir kita renung satu hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Masood. Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda,
"Seseorang tidak akan masuk syurga sekiranya mempunyai secubit pun perasaan sombong. Maka ada hamba Allah yang bertanya: Jika seseorang itu suka memakai pakaian dan kasut yang cantik? Rasulullah SAW menjawab "Allah itu Maha Cantik dan Allah mencintai kecantikan. Sombong itu adalah mengejek dan menolak kebenaran dan merendahkan orang lain" (Bukhari)
Bukan tak boleh cantik, cuma mari nilaikan semula definasi cantik kita selama ini. Definasi siapa yang kita pegang? Jika bertemu dengan orang lain, elakkan dari menuji kecantikan mereka dahulu. Menilai orang dengan hanya kecantikannya adalah merendahkan martabatnya. Sebagai seorang wanita, saya mahu lebih dari cuma cantik! Diri saya berharga BUKAN kerana cantik saya, tetapi ilmu, adab dan akhlak saya InsyaAllah. Mari bina keyakinan dri situ. Saya yakin kita akan lebih dihormati dan disayangi InsyaAllah oleh Allah dan manusia. Wallahu'alam
Salam Sayang,
Oleh itu, sangat jelas disini untuk kita sentiasa bersyukur atas setiap kurnian-Nya. Hakikatnya, semua wanita adalah cantik. Dengan cara yang tersendiri. Dan jangan lah kita oandang seseorang tu hanya melalui paras rupa sahaja kerana ia tidak semestinya melambangkan keperibadian seseorang tersebut.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
The -new-in-the-making ME!
Well hello fellas. Days to days, i realised that my love in blogging is increasing. Seriously, i love it so much. And now, since ive got my new lappy. It surely making me more active in the world of blogging, right. Hehe.
Nothing much to write actually. LOL.
Hmm, about my last post. I was talking about my result. Its was sucks but its not the end of the world. And now lets make a new start!. I made up my mind already to take bachelor in architecture. Without doing the diploma! Hahaha yeah its the new 'way' for this year. i just have to complete the degree in architecture in just 4 years. So, InsyaAllah, id finish my degree at the age of 22 :) So young huh? Haha
So, i have to aim always for the best starting from now. Ill prove to people that always underestimating me. Whoever you are! I don't care.
Oh yeahh before that, i set 'I WISH' as my page song because the lyrics exactly the same like what ive been through lately, hehe. Not about SPM of course but about something else. Just guess! What is it about. HAHA
Well i hope that one day he would realise that im better than HER but its not her fault pun. Just express my feeling, hehe and my mum always said that,
Well hello fellas. Days to days, i realised that my love in blogging is increasing. Seriously, i love it so much. And now, since ive got my new lappy. It surely making me more active in the world of blogging, right. Hehe.
Nothing much to write actually. LOL.
Hmm, about my last post. I was talking about my result. Its was sucks but its not the end of the world. And now lets make a new start!. I made up my mind already to take bachelor in architecture. Without doing the diploma! Hahaha yeah its the new 'way' for this year. i just have to complete the degree in architecture in just 4 years. So, InsyaAllah, id finish my degree at the age of 22 :) So young huh? Haha
So, i have to aim always for the best starting from now. Ill prove to people that always underestimating me. Whoever you are! I don't care.
Oh yeahh before that, i set 'I WISH' as my page song because the lyrics exactly the same like what ive been through lately, hehe. Not about SPM of course but about something else. Just guess! What is it about. HAHA
Well i hope that one day he would realise that im better than HER but its not her fault pun. Just express my feeling, hehe and my mum always said that,
'Kalau ada jodoh takkan ke mana'
And that words always making me smile and i can put some hopes. :)
Thank you mama :D
Thats all, this time im talking like crap. Everything in one. Haha LOL.
Friday, 23 March 2012
up side down of life
Hmm memang sedih. It took me quite lot of times thinking if i should blog about this or not. Well here i am, writing about this.
On 21/3/12, the SPM results has already been announced. And i know that people around me will be getting excellent results.And its truly true!Not like me. Im sucks. Too weird! . I dont know whats wrong about me
Okay so, maybe i deserve this.
My parents didnt exactly expect me to get that much. Its sucks! Seriously sucks. And i also think that i shouldnt get that much. Its too low. Like whattt? Cousins, friends , close friends, each of them got excellent results. And me? What about me? Ohh please dont ask.
My uncle and aunts were all putting so much hope on me. Because they knew that i could do it. If they look based on my UPSR and PMR results.
i cried , i cried and cried eventhough i know it wont change even a thing.
But okay, im thinking of taking art and design at first. I love fashion so much! But then , i think that its better for me to take business.
So i made that as my first option :)
Forget about it! Malas nak cerita panjang panjang. Its making me more sad.
Thanks to all my friend who gave me lots of moral supports. You guys are my truly friends. A sincere friend doesn't look people based on their intelligent or something blah blah blah.
For my friends, Jaja ,Miza , Keenah , Fatin and not to forget my lovely Azreena :) and and so many more actually :) Thanks for all the supports, okay.
Well yeahh, now i started to believe in myself by taking new steps to face lots more tests for me to go through.
No one actually will ask you about your results once you enter the university. Wherever you are. Even how smart you are. But it can be your ticket to further your studies abroad.
Sorry, if my words make you feel down but that's how i feel and that's how i try to make myself happy and not being in sorrow anymore.
And not to forget, CONGRATULATIONS tu all my friends that got flying colours in their SPM. You guys are so so so amazing, okay! You guys just did so great!
Thanks for reading this fellas. Bye.

On 21/3/12, the SPM results has already been announced. And i know that people around me will be getting excellent results.And its truly true!Not like me. Im sucks. Too weird! . I dont know whats wrong about me
Okay so, maybe i deserve this.
My parents didnt exactly expect me to get that much. Its sucks! Seriously sucks. And i also think that i shouldnt get that much. Its too low. Like whattt? Cousins, friends , close friends, each of them got excellent results. And me? What about me? Ohh please dont ask.
My uncle and aunts were all putting so much hope on me. Because they knew that i could do it. If they look based on my UPSR and PMR results.
i cried , i cried and cried eventhough i know it wont change even a thing.
But okay, im thinking of taking art and design at first. I love fashion so much! But then , i think that its better for me to take business.
So i made that as my first option :)
Forget about it! Malas nak cerita panjang panjang. Its making me more sad.
Thanks to all my friend who gave me lots of moral supports. You guys are my truly friends. A sincere friend doesn't look people based on their intelligent or something blah blah blah.
For my friends, Jaja ,Miza , Keenah , Fatin and not to forget my lovely Azreena :) and and so many more actually :) Thanks for all the supports, okay.
Well yeahh, now i started to believe in myself by taking new steps to face lots more tests for me to go through.
No one actually will ask you about your results once you enter the university. Wherever you are. Even how smart you are. But it can be your ticket to further your studies abroad.
Sorry, if my words make you feel down but that's how i feel and that's how i try to make myself happy and not being in sorrow anymore.
And not to forget, CONGRATULATIONS tu all my friends that got flying colours in their SPM. You guys are so so so amazing, okay! You guys just did so great!
Thanks for reading this fellas. Bye.
Monday, 5 March 2012
Hmm, well hello fellas! It has been long time i think ive not been blogging. And today, here i am.
Well i went for a Cupcakes Workshop last Saturday at Bagus. Bagus is actually a shop that selling things-to-make-cakes. Like that lahh haha :D And the cool thing is i went there with the best friend ever, Miza Aliyah <3.
Well i went for a Cupcakes Workshop last Saturday at Bagus. Bagus is actually a shop that selling things-to-make-cakes. Like that lahh haha :D And the cool thing is i went there with the best friend ever, Miza Aliyah <3.
The workshop started at 10.30 til 5 pm :) But we finished early actually. And and and, we both were the only yougsters there. Include this one girl *almost forgot. (memang patut pun) HAHA :D The others were all Mak Cik - Mak cik. But we were having fun much lahh. Not to forget, our chef, Chef Nena Zin :)
First step :)
So sweet, huh ?
Colours that colour your CAKE LIFE!
And here you go. Our chef, Chef Nena Zin!
Our buttercream
They got a very nice taste. Like a Kenny Rogers one? OOps
Its us!
Again ?
The Cupcakes already covered with the buttercream.
Its time for us to decorate the cakes :)
Its Miza, and shes trying to do the 'ROSE'
And this my rose. The leaves tak jadi sangat.
And were done
The nozzles!
Goodbye Chef !
Bye fellas. Thats all :)
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